Earlier this month, a golf team from the University of the Southwest was traveling back to school when a pickup truck coming the opposite direction blew a front tire and collided head-on with the van carrying the golf team. Upon impact, both vehicles burst into flames. The collision killed six golf team members and their coach. The driver of the pickup and his passenger also were killed. Such a tragedy for all of those involved.
Yet, the strangest part was the driver of the pickup truck was 13 years old. The big question is why was a 13 year old child driving the pickup truck given a minor cannot get their learner's permit in Texas until they are 15 years old. While it is not uncommon for younger teenagers to learn to drive, maybe driving a vehicle on their parent's property or in an empty parking lot, it is uncommon for a 13 year old to be driving a pickup truck at night on a state highway at highway speeds. Such a preventable tragedy.
If you are injured in a collision and need advice as to how to proceed, reach out to us at 817-500-0990 or online for a free consultation.