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What to know about Medical Treatment

  • What to know about Medical Treatment?

    Getting medical treatment right away after a car accident or other injury is one of the most important things you can do for your health and for your personal injury case. First and foremost, it's important to get medical problems treated to restore your health. Beyond that, though, medical treatment is an integral part of establishing the extent of your injuries in a personal injury case.

  • If you are seriously injured in a car accident or any other type of accident, call for an ambulance.

    If you're seriously hurt, including cuts and lacerations, broken bones, head injury or other severe injuries, you should call for an ambulance and go to the emergency room immediately. Severe injuries require immediate medical assistance, regardless of whether or not you have health insurance. Seek medical treatment at your local emergency room, and then consider your options for follow-up treatment.

  • Non-emergency medical care can get tricky.

    Ideally, you should see your primary care physician to follow up on emergency room treatments or seek care for injuries that didn't necessitate a visit to the emergency room. However, in some cases, a regular physician may be reluctant to treat an accident victim because of issues getting payment from an insurance company.

    If you do not have health insurance and need medical treatment and we decide to represent you, we may be able to arrange for medical treatment and the payment of the medical bills will be deferred until your case resolves.

  • Don't avoid medical treatment because you don't have insurance

    Even if you don't have health insurance, you should still undergo medical treatment. In the first place, your health is important, and you shouldn't have to sacrifice it because of an accident caused by someone else's negligence. Contact the Kisselburgh Law Firm if you need help setting up medical care without insurance, as we have contact with many medical providers that are willing to delay payment until your case is resolved.

    Secondly, delaying or failing to undergo medical treatment is a big problem for your personal injury case. Defendants look at your medical treatment as a way to establish the validity and severity of your injuries, and if you don't seek treatment right away or not at all, they won't believe you're injured. You owe it to your health and to your case to get medical treatment.