Today is the first day of Texas' annual "Click It or Ticket" campaign which runs through June 5th. This means Texas DPS troopers as well as other law enforcement agenices are increasing their efforts to ticket drivers and passengers who are not wearing their seat belts. The increased enforcement coincides with the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.
On TXDOT's website, they have some sobering statistics on the benefits of seat belt use. Despite it being the law in Texas to wear seat belts when riding in a vehicle, 1,073 people who were not wearing seat belts lost their lives in Texas in 2020. Wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of dying by 45 percent in cars and 60 percent in trucks. Your seat belt is designed to keep you and your passengers from being ejected or thrown into the windshield or dashboard.
Let's all try to help reduce the fatalies on Texas roadways and keep our families safe by everyone wearing seatbelts. Buckle up.