Today Americans are celebrating another Memorial Day--the beginning of summer break for children, a time for outdoor barbeques, swimming or boating. As you enjoy this holiday, take a moment to remember the true purpose of Memorial Day—a day to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of this great Nation.
The History of Memorial Day
Memorial Day’s roots go back to after the Civil War where it was originally called Decoration Day. It was a tradition of decorating the graves of Civil War veterans with flowers, wreaths and flags. In 1873, New York became the first state to designate Memorial Day as a legal holiday. Other states later followed. And after World War I, it became a time to honor all those who died in America’s wars. In 1971, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act and established Memorial Day as the last Monday of May.
So on this Memorial Day, enjoy the outdoors or whatever activities you are doing but take a moment to give thanks to all who paid the ultimate sacrifice in defending this great Nation. Have a happy and safe Memorial Day.